Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ahli2 akademi semua ..

perhatian : makcik sawa dan incik tadza tidak dapat menghadiri sesi umpatan kite pada malam esok atas sebab2 yang tidak dapat dielakkan..harap maklong.. die kirim salam muahhhh kat semua..
nota kaki nenek vouge d vass : nek ..kamu jangan nak ngada2 tak jadik eh.. kang kite takde member nak umpat mengumpat kang..
mood : susahnya nak telan bende nie..
lagu :
Yuna Deeper Conversation

Is your favourite colour blue?
And do you always tell the truth?
Do you believe in outer space?
I'm learning you

Is your skin as tan as mine?
Does your hair flow side ways?
Did someone take a portion of your heart?
Now I'm learning you

And if you don't mind can you tell me all your hopes & fears
And everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me....

I've let my guard down for you
And in time you will too

And if you don't mind can you tell me all your hopes & fears
And everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me....

And if you don't mind can you tell me all your hopes &
And everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me....

Deeper conversation with me ( x3 )
Deeper conversation....

Does your name rhyme with mine?


NenetPenne (NP) said...

eeeh biar betul kiah..
apsal pulak? dia kan penganjur
apasal pulak penganjur tetiba tak dapat datang ni..
aaaaah.... cemana ni
abis tu siapa yang datang?
setakat akak datang tak ada kawn tak best..budak2 jantan tu mana boleh harap.....
kalau cik kiah jugak tak datang..tak ada maknanya laaa tu..

LYS said...

cik kiah ade lar nek..
kiter dua jek larr sokseksoksek..
ramai gak yang datang..dun worry..

basburokklang-banting said...

salam mmuah gak tuk kak sawa..kite pon x dpt attnd..

matacoklatbiru said...

al-kesah nye, mak cik kiah ni pun menjaga kesihatan ye..
truskan usaha murni mu itu..

LYS said...

kak ida,
rajin tak rajin larr nak menelannya..

bas burok,
sampai ati bibik..

mata coklatbiruhitammerah,
[memandai jek aku tukar nick orang..muahahha]

usaha mmg murni.. nak laksanakannya tu agak keberatan sket..

eqbalzack said...

hhmmm...pokcik nak kenal ngan awek yg pakai spec tu bley tak?? ayu pulak bila tgk pix tu...

p/s: hantarannye bape tuh?

Anonymous said...


lagu aku neh...wakakaka..

NenetPenne (NP) said...

cian sara, cian tadza

aaah blah la naz.... malas kita nak kawan dgn naz lagi... *sambil tarik tangan cik kiah*

Sara said...

time kasih ahh cik kiah.. gmbr mke yg ala2 lebam tu jugak ko nak enterprem.. ape kess.. cb laa letak gmbr yg elok jenis nyer sikit.. mencikk

yerr wahai ahli2 akademi seklian. ambe tak dpt dtg. inchik tadza sdg keuzuran.. cian die. uhuhuuu...

miss korangg...uwahhhhhh

LYS said...

bg eQ,
woo.. hantaran mahal tu .. kira kilo lar katekan..hahahaha

bdk hijau,
soker ek? bes kan..

**jom nek.. sambil honk incik bujal time lalu parcel E** kekeke

sabar lar menghadapi segalanya.. **had ni saya cakap dengan muka polos yer kak..**

eqbalzack said...

kira kilo pokcik cansel lah! tunggu kurang 'kilo'nye dulu...baru pokcik masuk minang...

LYS said...

bg eQ,
tak koser..

Miss Zahidah Zakaria said...

yuna the best =)

LYS said...

cik zaza..
haah yuna bes..

Adam said...

blog hoping!

Benedict Bernard said...

sara tu sape?

aku kenal sawa je.. ahakz